Turn its all good. Rule #1: I do what I want and expect the same in return, we are non-pushy and don't like pushy people, we enjoy a good laugh, and we are the couple next door, unless they are pricks of course lol.
A perfect day would be to run into this person by chance in a real world situation. Likes and comments always welcome. I enjoy the outdoors...going for walks, camping, kayaking, volleyball, horseshoes, etc.Have al ot of love to give both to friends and partners. Hi Ok here we go something about myself. Kayeyekay: mayihavesomeloops. I adore physical affection and intimacy (not necessarily just sexually, such as cuddling) and am up completely up for anything too, very willing to try new things.
Bold girls naked. I am seeking a man that wants to please her.No long term relationship but a mutual need for pleasuring and with no strings.I'm looking for new friends and maybe a little play...
Just looking for some discreet fun with meet swingers IL openminded people Please no hang ups no drama just some good times Cant view messages unless you give me excess to your profile but I can chat on IM.